
Intermission: El Clásico

Why did Jordi celebrate the goal like that ? So as you may or may not know, I'm a huge futbol fan. And yesterday -Sunday 23- was played one of the most [...]

The A Word


Now I’m On The Outside

Remember at the beginning of the arc when I said that this one was inspired on real-life events... [...]

Science Joke


No Soup For You


Convincing Arguments

A new arc is starting ! This one might be based on real life events. (It [...]

La La Yes

BIGGER version of the La La Land poster featured in panel 3 HERE (And it's completely fine if you didn't like La La [...]

Deux Ex Toaster

And with this, we reach the end of the arc ! (the longest one so far) Anyway, remember to give us a follow on Twitter as @FriendsYASW so you can keep up with [...]


We've joined the flock ! Find us on Twitter as @FriendsYASW ! Yay to us ! Go follow the comic, you know you want to [...]