But you just got comfy!
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Gotta Get That

Reminder: This week I’m out in a family trip, so this week we’ll only get one update. Next update will on monday the 17th… or the 18th..- we’ll see. Probably tuesday hahah.

Reminder #2: The Nominations for the Ursa Major Awards are live! Help Friends YASW land it’s third nomination. CLICK HERE if you wanna help with that!

Ursa Major Awards!

It's that time of the year again! The Ursa Major Awards are opening it's period for accepting nominations, and let's get Friennds YASW it's third nomination! How? well, lucky you, here's a guide on how to nominate this amazing comic: Go to THIS PAGE Click on ENROLL FOR ONLINE NOMINATIONS In the second, text box write your email. Click on "GET [...]

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Upload Hours

Hello! Here's the thing, I've been failing completely trying to have the strips by midnight on the updates days. So there will be a new hour for updates. New strips will be [...]