
Small Break: Vacations!

Heeey everyone! I'm on a two week vacation! And by the clues you can tell that I'm going to the Olympics! Going to see some events with my brothers. Updates [...]


So no, this will NOT be a courtroom [...]

Some Go In, Some Go Out

He's not arrested, he's just being scorted [...]

Cartmill’s Bureaucracy

Hahah could you imagine? That the only way to get a copy of a document online and not having to go in person, is to go in person so they can give you the [...]

Those Sneaky Permits

And we continue riiight where we left off! And a reminder of THIS STRIP from a previous [...]

Cartmill’s Pride

Happy Pride! Arc should resume on the next [...]

District Attorney: Margaret Robins

Thanks for reading! Part II will follow immediately after, unless I think of a one-off worth showing heheh. Anyway, we finally meet [...]

One Petition

And thats a throwback to THIS moment that we saw on the story arc: The Eighth Floor. And as some of you called, this was another failed attempt of this [...]