
Friendly No More

Let the games... [...]

All The Teams Are Here

Well well well... And we get to see Jordan's bf, Oliver! Although we saw him once [...]

The Couples Game Night Will Begin Shortly

You remember what this arc is actually about, [...]

Dan vs The Spin

Dan did finish the class... and when he got off the machine he passed out a little bit. Also, Dom didn't took the car because, nobody uses their car in the [...]

Dom’s Job, for “real”

for real... ish. ish. I mean, he gets paid... so... it's technically a real [...]

Dom’s Job

I have this friend, one of my closest. He... does stuff for other companies that hire the place where he works so he and his team can manage legal stuff for [...]


I just created the word uninvitations. Also, we'll get to whatever Dan saw in the previous strip, we'll get [...]

No Leads

They will probably never meet again. Arc's [...]

Call You by Your Name

Get it? Like Call me by your name, but he doesn't know her nam- look it's my comic I get to name the [...]

No Move

Remember Bryan? Well he has a name now. It's Bryan. Don't get too attached tho. We won't be seeing much of Bryan. Dan words, not mine. Not that Bryan [...]