
Coming Your Way


Me making me sad

This might have been inspired in real life events... I knew I couldn't afford it... Why did I apply? (You can switch World Cup Tickets with anything you wanted [...]

Of Friends And Advice

thanks for [...]

Late Night Talks


Taking Responsibility


City Lights

thanks for [...]

Flat Layout

Throw back to THIS STRIP and IT'S FOLLOW UP if you're a little bit lost on the living-in-an-office thing. With that said, mayyybe i've been a little bit [...]

Funnier This Way


A Wild Gareth Appears

OH LOOK IT'S FINALLY HIM! Introducing for the first time: Gareth Baga. And with him, our (very extense) cast is complete. I'll update the 'Cast' page [...]

Where Everybody At?
