
Silent Nights

A new arc starts. What could it possibly be about? We'll have to see... I really like that lockscreen, all me babyyyyy! Also one thing, some days ago [...]

Storytime’s Over

Maybe there's more to Dom's story, maybe there's something Jordan is not telling us... anyway one more strip left! remember, if you want you can nominate us [...]

Script by Dominic Lowe

Even I don't know what Dom's job is. jk I do. Or do [...]

No Escape

Heeeey look at Mr Grant, the building manager! Gotta work on his design, cause he's waaay older than the gang Also, throw back to season [...]

Moments Of Past Years

You don't think I've forgotten about this? Although we don't have answers yet, only more [...]

Some Answers Are Given

That's a lot of yellow text... and who gives that as a present for their friends? Me. I gave them all framed pictures of me. And they all have them. Except [...]

Results Are In

Hey, we're up for the Ursa Major Award for Best Comic Strip! All season 3 is nominated, GO HERE so you can learn how to vote for [...]

It’s not you, It’s me drinking those

Voting for the Ursa Major Awards is OPEN! More Info here! Vote for [...]

TV Appearance

That's his coach and his mom Something amazing happened! We landed the nomination for the Ursa Major Awards!! Thanks sooo much for nominating us! Now the [...]

New Fresh Strategy

Jordi is still processing the whole sliding [...]