That's a lot of yellow text... and who gives that as a present for their friends? Me. I gave them all framed pictures of me. And they all have them. Except [...]
Arc is over! I'm having some PC problems, I'll try to have the strips as regular as I can. Last arc of the season is next! I've been hinting what it'll be [...]
I wanted to try something for this strip as you see, I wanted to homage the first strips of this comic, and that [...]
Remeber Alex? Danny's brother? Yeeeah you do. This was the last time we saw them!
Also, what is Dereck watching? Well Bluey of course! It's this australian [...]
This is Zoe's 100th appearance!
Also, I've been thinking about maybe doing an AMA section where you, the reader, can ask members of the cast stuff and [...]
WE'RE BAAAAAAAAAAAACK. Thanks for your patience. We can go back to see what is happening to our group of friends!
Now, this strip was heavily inspired in [...]