
Some Answers Are Given

That's a lot of yellow text... and who gives that as a present for their friends? Me. I gave them all framed pictures of me. And they all have them. Except [...]

New Management (for a week)

A new arc! It's name is inspired in Nightmare On Elm Street, are they safe in their [...]

Destiny’s Ways

Arc is over! I'm having some PC problems, I'll try to have the strips as regular as I can. Last arc of the season is next! I've been hinting what it'll be [...]

Dom’s Tactics

This strip was waaaaay more complicated than originally thought heheh... hope you like [...]

Vintage Throwbacks

THIS STRIP IS FINALLY DONE! YEEESSS. I wanted to try something for this strip as you see, I wanted to homage the first strips of this comic, and that [...]

Another Day Saved by the TV

Remeber Alex? Danny's brother? Yeeeah you do. This was the last time we saw them! Also, what is Dereck watching? Well Bluey of course! It's this australian [...]

Brunch with B of Bettrayal

This is Zoe's 100th appearance! Also, I've been thinking about maybe doing an AMA section where you, the reader, can ask members of the cast stuff and [...]

RomCom bad guy


Intervention Time

The group is taking action in the [...]

More Arguing

WE'RE BAAAAAAAAAAAACK. Thanks for your patience. We can go back to see what is happening to our group of friends! Now, this strip was heavily inspired in [...]