
Storytime’s Over

Maybe there's more to Dom's story, maybe there's something Jordan is not telling us... anyway one more strip left! remember, if you want you can nominate us [...]

Moving in

This is officially the comic's longest arc! Yay! Also, if you want you can nominate us for a Ringo Award in the best webcomic category! You can go here and [...]

2 Team 2 Bonding

A direct sequel to the previous Team Bonding strip. Don't drink too much kids. btw this is the 25th strip of this arc, it reached Dont B(r)other as the [...]

How To Job

I played a little bit with the panels today, I hope you like it! I always displayed the strips with the idea of what would happen if someday the comic would be [...]

We Are All Connected

If you go back to 'The Company' story arc some of what Rick said was... [...]

Ready Player Five

Jordan has a tendency for bending a liiiitle bit the actual story, like in here and [...]

No Escape

Heeeey look at Mr Grant, the building manager! Gotta work on his design, cause he's waaay older than the gang Also, throw back to season [...]

Sharing Our Thoughts

This saturday they announce the winner for the Ursa Majors! Really eager to see the results, but also with my feet on the ground expecting a realistic [...]

Can’t Stop Thinking About You

So, this is officially the look of the bulding. I took inspiration in a building of my hometown... although that one is 7 storeys tall, this one is eight! and [...]

Is This Your Route?

I tried something simpler for the bus background, not sure if it actually worked... since this was a very long strip for me to make I tried simpler backgrounds [...]