Storytime’s Over

Maybe there’s more to Dom’s story, maybe there’s something Jordan is not telling us… anyway one more strip left!

remember, if you want you can nominate us for a Ringo Award in the best webcomic category! You can go here and put is in the best webcomic category! There’s time until June 25th

  1. Everyone has their secrets. I’m kinda wondering if whatever is was is the reason why Dom is the most distant of the group? And also whether Gareth’s own hidden issues is related to that.

    • Huh… interesting how your comment touch on something this arc will finish with and what the next arc is about, both unrelated tho! But what are those thiiings??? Heheheh

  2. Every arc is longer, just remember that OnePiece also started with short arcs and got bigger and bigger, and I love it.

    • I really like long arcs, they give the chance to really milk the story. My concern is that in a bi-weekly schedule the reader might find it boring after some time

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