
Some Of The Things

-you're gonna miss 7 HUNDRED (700) STRIPS! A great personal milestone! And for this one, I wanted the whole main cast to appear. And there they are, plus a [...]

An Answer To The Proposition

So a bit of context, having an European passport, specially when you're not european, helps a lot if you want to live and work inside the EU. And thanks to [...]

A Solution May Be Presented

Wait... what? On an totally not related comment, I've thought a lot about friends yasw, and how the day of it coming to an end is getting closer. There are [...]

A Date Night

Ooookay... so that's... [...]

Taken Desicions

ok... [...]

Considering Options

Sharing it, liking and RT the account tweets is the best was to support the [...]

Good Ol’ Distractions

Did I go too far? I dont think I did. I actually think I went further here. Anywaaaaaaay... I actually had a lot of fun drawing this one [...]


Theory,if you ignore the problem it is magically gone. Also, it'll be clearer in future strips but she still doesn't know if it'd the best for her to go or [...]


One more [...]

Some Very Important Questions

In other news, I'm 30 [...]