
The Case Of The Missing Cellular Phone

Sometimes I like long titles for my [...]

After Game Talks

What was Cecil referring to in panel one? You can read this arc to get the answer Also, next week we're back to our bi-weekly [...]

Eighth Floor’s Last Chance At Redemption

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand the match is over. Let's start finishing this [...]

Thunderous Timing

Is thunderous a word? Well it is now. Also, it's the second time we use the thunder then rain trope, do you remember which was  first [...]

According To Plan

just... not our [...]

You’ve Been Fouled

A little lost in that Zoé-Gareth interaction? Read this arc to find out [...]

Celebration Dedications

It's the <3 [...]

The Game Starts

We're in the endgame now Btw, Rick's team uniform is inspired in FC Barcelona´s third kit of last season. So each time you see it, imagine that [...]

Calm Before The Storm

The final match is about to [...]

Couple Attack

In Toby's defense, he was already there, Jordan just didn't noticed... thanks to [...]