
Now The Other Thing Makes Sense

We learned things... we're always learning. Thanks For [...]

Storytime’s Over

Maybe there's more to Dom's story, maybe there's something Jordan is not telling us... anyway one more strip left! remember, if you want you can nominate us [...]

Rivalries: The Rise Of: Origins

I love long tittles. just a couple of strips more of this arc! remember, if you want you can nominate us for a Ringo Award in the best webcomic category! [...]

Moving in

This is officially the comic's longest arc! Yay! Also, if you want you can nominate us for a Ringo Award in the best webcomic category! You can go here and [...]

2 Team 2 Bonding

A direct sequel to the previous Team Bonding strip. Don't drink too much kids. btw this is the 25th strip of this arc, it reached Dont B(r)other as the [...]

Script by Dominic Lowe

Even I don't know what Dom's job is. jk I do. Or do [...]

How To Job

I played a little bit with the panels today, I hope you like it! I always displayed the strips with the idea of what would happen if someday the comic would be [...]

We Are All Connected

If you go back to 'The Company' story arc some of what Rick said was... [...]

Ready Player Five

Jordan has a tendency for bending a liiiitle bit the actual story, like in here and [...]

Crazy Ideas That Might Not Be That Crazy

All that name thing was wierd... it's probably nothing In other news, last saturday the winners of the Ursa Major Awards were announced, we didn't win [...]