End Of Season 4

Well well well, here we are. Four years have gone by. And 2020, what a year. Specially difficult for some, for most I’d say. Personally, I knew it’d be a weird year when in January my grandpa died, not covid related or anything, he died peacefully sleeping, the best way you could go if you ask me. As sad as it was, I really liked that guy, it brought the family together and we often remember him cheerfully. February went by and then march came and Covid with it… that really shaked us, innit? I like to think the world of FriendsYASW is exactly as ours but with mamals instead of humans, so they had to deal with the ‘rona as well. That actually gave me the perfect chance to tell the story of how they ended up living in an office building, as told in The Eighth Floor. What I think I’m trying to say, is that despite everything that happened to me this year I had one constant, Friends You Are Stuck With. This comic, making it made things so much easier, I love this comic so much. It made things easier for me, and if it made this heck of a year at least a tiny bitty bit better for you… then the mission of this comic, of these group of characters was accomplished. And when I say that this comic was a constant this year, I mean it. I didn’t want to jinx it so I kept quiet but now I can say it proudly, this year was the first year/season where we didn’t missed a single strip. Every week got 2 updates (maybe not always on monday and thursday but still). I really worked hard on making that happen. Can’t promise that Season 5 will be the same, but I’ll definitely try. Finally, thank you for reading, thank you for commenting on the strips, I had a blast writing this past Season and I’m so excited for season 5. Thank you for coming by. See ya in 2021!


  1. 2020 what a year. When I started this comic in May, I didn’t think it would catch me so much. I really, really like this comic (shouldn’t that have been obvious enough in the past 😅). It made my year and a difficult time, where I don’t think it’s over yet, much easier directly or indirectly. Long story short, what I want to say is thank you. Thank you for probably not only making this a little better for me.
    Stay safe and merry Christmas.

    • Thank you for your very kind words, I deeply appreciate them! I’m also very glad you stumble uppon FriendsYASW! Thanks for reading, happy holidays to you too!

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