
Deep (Text) Conversations

A big rule of story telling is show don't tell. Imma break it right now, Jordi didn't want to bother Gareth with his problems, given that Gareth has his own [...]

Emergency Flatmates Meeting

LAST CHANCE to nominate Friends YASW for a Ursa Major Award, pleeeease if you haven't, I'd really appreciate it! Info on how to [...]

Current Routine


Fancy Dinner

Ok so, if it's fine with you I'll be writing my end-of-season message here. I have something else planned for the actual Season Finale, which is the next [...]

Some Of The Things

-you're gonna miss 7 HUNDRED (700) STRIPS! A great personal milestone! And for this one, I wanted the whole main cast to appear. And there they are, plus a [...]

Considering Options

Sharing it, liking and RT the account tweets is the best was to support the [...]


One more [...]

Arriving To The Festival

Gareth wasn't on the route, it was easier for him to just get to the venue. I really like how the first 3 panels interact in this strip. Kuddos to me. Also [...]

Pick Her Up


The Red Carpet Night

They're all going to the premier, just Dan is doing the red carpet thing. Also, the Limo was paid by Romulo's producing company that is partially managed by [...]