
Helena’s Answer (Part 2)

omg, it actually happening O: Also, the name of the arc will be known shortly, there's just one thing I wanna show first... you'll [...]

Helena’s Answer (Part 1)

There's a part 2 [...]

Rick’s Proposal

Oh... [...]


Alright! New arc starts today! Last arc of the season as well, let's see where it take us! Also, the Mediterranean sea is susprisingly cold on the peak of [...]

Cartmill’s Bureaucracy

Hahah could you imagine? That the only way to get a copy of a document online and not having to go in person, is to go in person so they can give you the [...]

Vyper: Blue Jeans

O: It's finally revealed. (Had A LOT of fun drawing this strip hahah, I also love the updates where the whole main cast is [...]

The Alter Ego

Because "porn name" was a bit much to name this strip hahah... and Helena is on fire with her guesses, all misses [...]

As Good of a Guess


Just A Bit More Of The Montage

Alright, Jordi your scruffy look was... quite something, it's time for it to [...]

Helena vs The Spin

This is a spiritual sequel to the strip Dan VS The Spin Also, he's not dehidrated, just super [...]