
Routine Thursday

Ok ok ok, I hope you´ve been liking the arc so far and let me tell you next strip is going to be soooooo [...]

Parlez-Vous Francais?

I promise that next update will be more than 3 panels hehehe Also, remember to FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM! uploading one strip a day until IG catches [...]

A New Day

We start SEASON 3!!! And also big announcement, we're on INSTAGRAM! We are uploading one strip a day until IG catches up with the site. And not only that, [...]

End Of Season 2

Wow... 2 years... 2 seasons gone by... And all I have to say is thank you. You let me have the chance to tell these stories, thank you for reading them and for [...]

You Are Not On The List

For the first time ever, an otter and a rabbit. As people on the [...]

From Letters To Friends


PS: I (Don’t) Like U

ROMULO TRANSLATION IN PANEL 4: I can't wait to make new [...]

Setting Limits




The Beautiful Game

In case you wonder, this goal was 100% inspired in THIS GOAL This was the most demanding strips so far... I'm tired. Also, from this point on we leave [...]