
Anonymous Contacts

In case you don't know, GQ has a series of videos of well known people, actors, youtubers, athletes, where they go and they show in a relatively short video, [...]

For That Friend

If you need to refresh your memory, here and [...]

Arriving To The Festival

Gareth wasn't on the route, it was easier for him to just get to the venue. I really like how the first 3 panels interact in this strip. Kuddos to me. Also [...]

The Red Carpet Night

They're all going to the premier, just Dan is doing the red carpet thing. Also, the Limo was paid by Romulo's producing company that is partially managed by [...]

Get Ready With Me

Alright! It's a fancy night and everyone's invited! Fact: Zoé and Jordi are the only ones repeating outfit tonight, do you remember when they used their [...]

Forced Recruting

You create the mess, you fix the mess. Friendly reminder, after his... accident, Gareth went back to live with his parents while he... recovers. Yeah, let's [...]

Arriving Late To A (Mysterious) Meeting

remember people, be more specific in  your vague [...]

Setting (Mysterious) Meetings

But whooo could've sent [...]

Possible Returns

Nw things can go back to [...]

Boats boats boats

One off before the new arc on [...]