Remeber Alex? Danny's brother? Yeeeah you do. This was the last time we saw them!
Also, what is Dereck watching? Well Bluey of course! It's this australian [...]
This is Zoe's 100th appearance!
Also, I've been thinking about maybe doing an AMA section where you, the reader, can ask members of the cast stuff and [...]
Our friend Merlin did this piece of Helena for us, go and see it, it's beautiful! Go like, RT and follow her! She's amazing
And this is the HIMYM [...]
YES! FINALLY! The revelation, I'm gonna be super honest. ALL the Rivalries arc, the tournament ALL OF IT was done with the sole purpose of THIS STRIP. RICK AND [...]
You know how much I suck at backgrounds. BUT LOOK AT PANEL 2. Guys, I spent A LOT of time making that city background AND I LOVE IT. I'm proud of it. I hope [...]