
Try Another Exit

Remember, we're on IG and Twitter!... please folllow [...]

Another Day Saved by the TV

Remeber Alex? Danny's brother? Yeeeah you do. This was the last time we saw them! Also, what is Dereck watching? Well Bluey of course! It's this australian [...]

Oh yeah, him too

Dan is also there, but you know that [...]

Brunch with B of Bettrayal

This is Zoe's 100th appearance! Also, I've been thinking about maybe doing an AMA section where you, the reader, can ask members of the cast stuff and [...]

RomCom bad guy


Past Examples

Our friend Merlin did this piece of Helena for us, go and see it, it's beautiful! Go like, RT and follow her! She's amazing And this is the HIMYM [...]

Intervention Time

The group is taking action in the [...]

The Cat Is Out Of The Bag

YES! FINALLY! The revelation, I'm gonna be super honest. ALL the Rivalries arc, the tournament ALL OF IT was done with the sole purpose of THIS STRIP. RICK AND [...]

The Tracking Of The Missing Cellular Phone

You know how much I suck at backgrounds. BUT LOOK AT PANEL 2. Guys, I spent A LOT of time making that city background AND I LOVE IT. I'm proud of it. I hope [...]

The Case Of The Missing Cellular Phone

Sometimes I like long titles for my [...]