1. Mood whiplash trope! *sips a drink*
    Seriously, great job on the last few strips! That last one was so uncomfortable you can’t really blame anyone for not commenting; been in that kind of situation, in fact most of us have…
    …both situations actually, LOL. I wasn’t always a good cook!
    “The Rick” retweeted you… *squees*
    …also, don’t retweet yourself hahahaha! 😛
    You have a lot to learn (IMO), but you are on the right track; I’ll send you an email soon.
    Comic got serious, I’ll get serious…
    Thanks for taking a chance on the internet and sharing your artwork despite the possibility of severe criticism, and thank you very much for taking my advice a few months ago…

    It meant a lot to me to help someone I’ll probably never meet! 🙂

    • Hey hey hey, I didn’t RT’d my self. I retweeted the offical Friends YASW account (That happens to be managed by me hahahahaha). And yes, there’s a lot to be learned in this journey, and I hope it will be a great journey ! Thanks for sticking by, thanks for the comments and advice !

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