
Going Back a Bit

Time for a liiitle flashback! Please help the comic get nominated, more info: [...]

Side Effects?

Side effects of what you may ask? Of nothing! Nothing at all. Don't worry about it. Anyway, let's go get lunch! Please help the comic get nominated, [...]

Picture Time

INFO about how to help the comic get nominated, HERE. It's cathartic ya [...]


INFO about how to help the comic get nominated, HERE. Best Kanye album in my [...]

Meeting The Parents

BUT THEY ARE CATS!!!! Welp, yeah. Jordi and Gareth are adopted. That was the plan since day one of the comic. And I'm so happy to finally "reveal" this! (It's [...]

You Don’t Wanna Be Late

Alright let's start SEASON SIIIIIIIIIX! But first, who are these people? What ceremony are they talking [...]

Season 6 Announcement

JAN 10 JAN 10 JAN 10 JAN 10 JAN 10 JAN 10 JAN 10 JAN 10 JAN 10 JAN 10 JAN 10 JAN 10 JAN 10 JAN 10 JAN 10 JAN 10 I'm just gonna say one word: [...]

End Of Season 5

If I were a wealthy athlete, this is the kinda stuff I'd do AND THAT'S IT! Season five has come to an end. Can you believe it? Five years have gone [...]

Just One More Thing

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand the arc is finally over! One more strip 'till the season finale! Be sure to check te update [...]

Two Brothers

One more strip for this arc, two more for this [...]