
Arriving Late To A (Mysterious) Meeting

remember people, be more specific in  your vague [...]

Setting (Mysterious) Meetings

But whooo could've sent [...]

Opinions About Living Together

She enjoys living [...]

Temporal Solutions

To a problem he [...]

Definite Departures

Just to be super clear on what happened, Jordi moved [...]

Possible Returns

Nw things can go back to [...]

Of Opportunities and Texts

New arc starts today!!! AAAAnd, if you noticed this comic strip was 100% text. So, because you are here for comix and you're the best, you'll be getting 3 [...]

Boats boats boats

One off before the new arc on [...]

The One True Detective

Thanks For Reading. -G And that was me writting my first who-done-it story! I learned a lot writing it, things that I can improve in the future story [...]

The Origins Of The Music Box

Don't... don't regift things to your SO's hahah. Also, 28 [...]