1. Oh my gosh this one is so cute! I love how happy Jordan looks in the second panel, you can tell she’s overjoyed with finally knowing what she wants to do with her life, and her leaning in so close to Caroline with her flirty smirk is so sweet, she’s come so far from her discussion with Dan about her sexuality and I’m so proud of her. Caroline’s reaction is adorable, I love how flustered she got, you can tell she was NOT expecting Jordan’s sudden confidence spike xD

    • Yeah absolutely! I’m glad it shows how happy she is with the carreer path she chose, and I really love how she switched from friendly to flirty in 1 second hahah, and I’d say Jordan left pretty satisfied with how things turned out. But yeah, as said in a previous strip Caroline was open to a date but didn’t want to because they were coworkers, so knowing that she was already interested definitely helped Jordan to go FULL confident in panel 4!

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