Hobbies and Side Gigs

Is there a reason this arc is soooo car centric? But of course. Will that reason be worth it? I hope so. But I mean, just seeing Dom this excited should be good reason enough hahah

  1. Agreeing with Zoe here. To me, only important thing about a car is getting me from point A to point B in a good amount of time and gas usage, and won’t become a bomb when tapped on the fender.

    • THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT hahahah naaah, but I can say there’s a reason for it… maybe the arc’s name should’ve been “It’s not about the cars” 😹

  2. I feel like I know Zoe’s dad… in 2018 I built a shed… for my antique cars… that I restore… and I drive a Mercedes.

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