End Of Season 2

Wow… 2 years… 2 seasons gone by… And all I have to say is thank you. You let me have the chance to tell these stories, thank you for reading them and for let these characters be a part of your life, I don’t do the comic for the views but knowing that actual people are reading them because they like them, because they want is very motivating. It was my dream to be able to tell stories about all sort of things and been doing it for two years is really amazing, a dream come true. So thank you.

And here’s to 2019, here’s to you and here’s to all the stories that will have place in SEASON 3!!!


  1. It’s really inspiring that you’ve been doing this for two years, twice a week! I personally enjoy the stories you tell and I look forward to the coming year. Happy holidays to you too!

    • Thank you sooooo much, you’ve no idea how much I appreciate comments like yours, I’m very happy that you’re enjoying FriendsYASW! Have a great new years!

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