
Home Sweet Home

Thanks for reading! Yes! It is true, the rumors are confirmed! Romulo will be joining the 8th floor for the 9th season of the comic! While he recovers, [...]

And The Way Back

Please please please, help notimate Friends YASW in best comic strip category on the Ursa Major Awards! Click here for more info on [...]


It's ok, it's a slow week at the lab anyways! it’s that time of the year again! The Nominations for the Ursa Major Awards are up! Let’s get that [...]

Gotta Get That

Reminder: This week I'm out in a family trip, so this week we'll only get one update. Next update will on monday the 17th... or the 18th..- we'll see. Probably [...]

Post-Injury Feelings

Hey everyone! a couple of announcements: A) I'll be out next week, have a family trip planned! So, I left ready one update for next week, it should be up on [...]


That is one of the worst injuries you can have as a football player [...]


buy your friends balloons more [...]

Gentle Wake Ups

So... it's his fault for losing his keys [...]

Welcomed Visits

And FINALLY, a main cast [...]

When It Happens…

NO ROMULO NOOOOOO! I hate this strip. WHY?!?!?!? ... Well I do know why, but you'll have to wait and see Translations: Panel 2: Damn it, we need a [...]