

It's ok, it's a slow week at the lab anyways! it’s that time of the year again! The Nominations for the Ursa Major Awards are up! Let’s get that [...]

Gotta Get That

Reminder: This week I'm out in a family trip, so this week we'll only get one update. Next update will on monday the 17th... or the 18th..- we'll see. Probably [...]

Post-Injury Feelings

Hey everyone! a couple of announcements: A) I'll be out next week, have a family trip planned! So, I left ready one update for next week, it should be up on [...]


That is one of the worst injuries you can have as a football player [...]


buy your friends balloons more [...]

Welcomed Visits

And FINALLY, a main cast [...]

Powerful, Beautiful Words

A couple of things: I'd love to say that I came up with that joke of how Helena reacts to Dom's words, BUT I took heavy inspiration in a Parks & Recreation [...]

Many, Many Cheers

800!!! Great milestone for the comic and for myself! Generally, I like to end the season on christmas day, but I'm laying out the rest of this arc, I [...]

The (VIP) Table

I'll never get tired of this gag and I'll use it every chance I [...]

Not Bad People

Remember panel 2 from this previous strip? Yeah, let's have that present for the next couple of [...]