
A Trip To The Past

And with this, the third (and final) act of the arc... begins. HERE WE GO [...]

You Had Your Turn

For this month incentive in the TWC you have to know this, in the FriendsYASW Universe  there are more characters that haven't been properly introduced yet, [...]

Brotherly Talk

Edit: I fixed something in the dialoge in the last panel [...]

Spoiler Alert

And with that, the longest arc yet is over ! (In case you're wondering, in the last panel the one talking is [...]

Processing Time

So my vacations are over and tomorrow I start a new semester at college. Let's hope I can balance studies with comix [...]

The Best Ex



REMINDER: go vote for us on the Top Webcomic list, go HERE ! Look for this month's incentive, Rick's concept art [...]

One Of US


Can´t Catch a Break

Approximately one year ago (July 2016) I started drawing the first strips of FriendsYASW, eventhough the comic was released on December 31st, it has been one [...]

Someone On The Phone

In case you're a little lost on the 4th panel, Jordi's last name is [...]