
For His Own Good

I told you, Jordi will continue being blond for the rest of season [...]


Weeeeeeeell, that's what friendships [...]

Unexpected Encounters

And with that, we kick off the last arc of this season! And as you can see, Helena and Rick are not the only ones thinking about moving in together... or [...]

Incoming Mails

And from this point on, we'll start the second part of this [...]

Vyper: Blue Jeans

O: It's finally revealed. (Had A LOT of fun drawing this strip hahah, I also love the updates where the whole main cast is [...]

The Alter Ego

Because "porn name" was a bit much to name this strip hahah... and Helena is on fire with her guesses, all misses [...]


Was that whole introduction by Dan and Zoé a whole ruse so they could say that name outloud? [...]

Fresh New Start

Again, this was more of an epilogue for the previous arc. And with that said, Jordi will continue to be blond for the rest of the season! Thanks for [...]

Accepting Invitations

Alright! A new arc begins today! This one will be a short one, and this one is more like an epilogue to Arc 40, and will follow Jordi's healing path. It'll end [...]

Calling For Reinforcements

So, today the nominees for the Ursa Major Awards were revealed, and unfortunately FriendsYASW is not on that list. Thanks to everyone who nominated the comic, [...]