
My Path


Good Shows

It is a pretty funny [...]

Third Party Opinions

You remember Becca's dad right? Long time no [...]

Top Dog


Two Very Important Lists

I love how all the viewing angles of this strip turned out [...]

Don’t Ruin The Bar

Heeeeeeeey, I want to give a shout out to this comic I recently discovered called Bridge by Butchicky, it's a new webcomic which is just beginning. It's [...]

And The Stuff

Now, you may be asking "Why the heck is Jordi upset about who is Becca dating?", and the answer will be given in monday's update. Spoiler: there's no drama [...]

The Path

It looks like Danny was copy-and-pasted in panels 3 & 4, he wasn't [...]

A Subtle Shout Out

Around 2011 I was following a lot of british youtubers, including this guy Christopher Bingham. And in 2012 he revealed this massive and super project called [...]

Promises You Can(t) Keep

Give us a follow on Instagram and [...]