
Gareth’s Recap Part 1

These first cuple of strips will be a recap, so we all have present how we ended here. I do recommend that it's better to re-read all the arcs involving [...]

Epilogue: Pitching the Idea

Once again, thanks for reading! (It's actually the second time Jordi has been left catatonic thanks to [...]

Season 8 Finale

And we did it! The eighth season of Friends YASW is officially wrapped! 807 comic strips so far, countless panels, thousends of words and here's to more to [...]

On His Mind

One more strip, then the season is [...]

Not That Far Away

Maybe some words did affect this husky... ANYWAY, happy 2025 everyone! Hope you had a great holyday, or as great as they could be! I'm saving my end-of-year [...]

Belgium Update

Generally the season would be over by now, but the arc is not quite over [...]

Mouse & Dog

I KNEW that mouse in line in the first panel of this strip looked familiar, it's Michelle! A fan favorite character is appears once again! ... Well maybe not a [...]

Powerful, Beautiful Words

A couple of things: I'd love to say that I came up with that joke of how Helena reacts to Dom's words, BUT I took heavy inspiration in a Parks & Recreation [...]

Many, Many Cheers

800!!! Great milestone for the comic and for myself! Generally, I like to end the season on christmas day, but I'm laying out the rest of this arc, I [...]

The (VIP) Table

I'll never get tired of this gag and I'll use it every chance I [...]