
Dom’s Job, for “real”

for real... ish. ish. I mean, he gets paid... so... it's technically a real [...]

Dom’s Job

I have this friend, one of my closest. He... does stuff for other companies that hire the place where he works so he and his team can manage legal stuff for [...]

Big Discoveries

Would you believe me if  I'd tell you that red is actually not my favorite [...]

End Of Season 4

Well well well, here we are. Four years have gone by. And 2020, what a year. Specially difficult for some, for most I'd say. Personally, I knew it'd be a weird [...]

Party Trick

Ok, a few things: 1. There's a couple of cameos in today's strip. Panel 2, the last 2 on the left. First we have Mau, the OC of my friend and fellow artist [...]

We Tried It Once

... Dispatcher: Sorry, you mentioned a fire? Jordan: Yeah no but that's fine, it's my friend and his arm Dispatcher: But you did say there´s a [...]

Some Nights

Thanks for [...]

It’s Not As Simple

Remeber this strip? And this one? aaaanyway, I'm leaving now. One more strip for this arc to be [...]

Customer Service

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