
(Not to) Dream On

But why why whyyyy are you escaping your subconcious mind Gareth? [...]

Alternative Solutions

So that´s it. Gareth found a solution to his issues. The [...]

Good(ish) Mornings


Closed Business

Ihate when my favorite store [...]

One Of Those Nights

A new arc starts! Really excited for this one, last arc of for the season! (and no, this is not the end of the comic. It's just the name of the [...]

It Finally Strikes

Those people in panel 5? No idea who they are, but somehow they [...]

The Motivation Team

Out [...]

Graduation Party

Thanks for [...]


Friends You Are Stuck with is nominated for an Ursa Major Award! If you wanna vote for the comic, CLICK HERE to learn [...]

Nobody’s Leaving

Good thing how we're all in the same [...]