
That Guy From The Gym

It was Gareth! Show hands who got that [...]

Vyper: Blue Jeans

O: It's finally revealed. (Had A LOT of fun drawing this strip hahah, I also love the updates where the whole main cast is [...]

The Alter Ego

Because "porn name" was a bit much to name this strip hahah... and Helena is on fire with her guesses, all misses [...]


Was that whole introduction by Dan and Zoé a whole ruse so they could say that name outloud? [...]

Just A Bit More Of The Montage

Alright, Jordi your scruffy look was... quite something, it's time for it to [...]

Calling For Reinforcements

So, today the nominees for the Ursa Major Awards were revealed, and unfortunately FriendsYASW is not on that list. Thanks to everyone who nominated the comic, [...]

Deep (Text) Conversations

A big rule of story telling is show don't tell. Imma break it right now, Jordi didn't want to bother Gareth with his problems, given that Gareth has his own [...]

Fancy Dinner

Ok so, if it's fine with you I'll be writing my end-of-season message here. I have something else planned for the actual Season Finale, which is the next [...]

Well… Who’s Hungry?

Second update for the week! Next one on [...]