
Delivering The Good News

Maybe not the best way to start the [...]

It Finally Strikes

Those people in panel 5? No idea who they are, but somehow they [...]

Becca’s Guide To Having A Fun Night

Remember to drink responsibly. And don't drink and drive. And it's perfectly ok to not like [...]

The Motivation Team

Out [...]

The Art Of Perfectioning

In case you don't follow us on twitter, the results for the Ursa Major Awards were published and we didn't win (like, not even close hahah). Still, thanks to [...]

Draft 1

You know Dan, a script goes through several drafts... sure, you have 9 days to come up with a final [...]

Just Tackle One

Sometimes, you just have to finish the thing. Just go through it, then we'll see how good it ends up [...]


I believe that is a good advice, don't wait for inspiration to [...]


As you may know, I'm a big Housepets! fan. It's the biggest inspiration for this comic, and I try to homage it whenever I can. And for this strip [...]

Advisor’s Advice

Someone took a little vacation to [...]