
New Logo (NOT)

By the way, there's a new incentive in the TWC vote thingy ! So go and vote and see it [...]


Thanks for reading. [...]

That Time When

Throwback to this strip and it's follow up ! Also, only ONE strip left for this arc [...]

We Are On Our Way


The Man From UNCLE


We Have Your Back

On other news, today is my birthday ! Yay to that ! [...]

Two Ways

Here's the censored version. I'll switch them [...]

The Reception

Disclaimer. Panel 5 was completely inspired and took reference on panel 4 of Housepets! April 10th, 2017 strip: Formula For Disaster. Go give'em some love [...]

Of Bows And Ties

Remember at the beginnig of the arc that I said that I was getting help writting this arc from my friend Charlie ? Well, this was brought by us. Thanks Charlie [...]

A Trip To The Past

And with this, the third (and final) act of the arc... begins. HERE WE GO [...]