
Invitations To The Pub

In panel 1, it's hard to see because Gareth's arm and tail fur color is the same, but he is hiding his left hand behind his [...]

What Do You Wanna Be When You Grow Up?

Really happy to finally show everyone something I had decided some years ago, like... 2020 to be more precise, the place to where I intend Jordi's arc to be [...]

Mind Is Somewhere Else

Something pretty big that I've been planning for a long time for Jordi's arc is coming on the next strip if everything goes right! Also, when you upload a [...]

Show Us The Video!

Welp... some unexpected [...]

Not Fed Up


Jordi ft Corporate


Feline Support

Since joining the work force, I get those days once in a [...]

Graduation Party

Thanks for [...]

The End of the Barricade

And the Barricade Saga ends. There's one more thing left tho... Friends You Are Stuck with is nominated for an Ursa Major Award! If you wanna vote for [...]

But That One Reason

It can always be scary to face the real world Friends You Are Stuck with is nominated for an Ursa Major Award! If you wanna vote for the comic, CLICK [...]