Yes! I'm on a small vacation, went to Mexico to see this band I really really like live. And decided to get to now this city in the meantime! So yeah... sorry [...]
Remember when I said the Lights, Camera arc was gonna resume immediatly after? Well, it was but then I had this idea for this one-off and decided to do it! [...]
There are some people that are just not good at smiling on command. You'll never see a Ryan's ad with him smiling. Never.
Another One off! New arc on [...]
If I were a wealthy athlete, this is the kinda stuff I'd do
AND THAT'S IT! Season five has come to an end. Can you believe it? Five years have gone [...]
Some unfortunate news, my computer died on me. I've already ordered the part I believe is failing (And please let it be that and not something [...]
We interrupt your broadcast to bring you this new product: The Official Friends You Are Stuck With Telegram Sticker Pack !!! Yes! It's happening, 16 different [...]