
Weeeeeeeell, that’s what friendships are

  1. Ok, the fourth and fifth panels are super clever, with the background becoming darker at first as they get more and more angry at each other, then getting brighter again as they realized that, wait, this is a good thing. You did such a great job showing off their respective thought process using just their expressions and the use of the punctuation and type face and a single word, seriously, that’s so creative of you. Also, Rick and Toby’s nicknames for their girlfriends are both so cute, it shows off just how comfortable they are in their relationships and it makes me ship them even more. Though it does make me wonder if Rebeca has a nickname for Toby, Helena calls Rick Ricky, which kinda counts, but does Becca have one for Toby (besides Tobias for when he’s in trouble or when she’s tying him up lol)

    • THANK YOU! Super glad the “metaphor” behind panels 4&5 was caught, I’m glad that backgroud detail was noticed, And yes! expressions were vital specially with the dialogue I choose, I like to think that this strip landed haha.

      Finally,does Becca has a special nickname for Toby? I mean… Toby is a great nickname as it is… BUT, yes there is one. Maybeee we’ll find out, just maybe heheh.
      Thanks for the comment! Glad you liked the strip!

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