
Those Sneaky Permits

And we continue riiight where we left off! And a reminder of THIS STRIP from a previous [...]

Cartmill’s Pride

Happy Pride! Arc should resume on the next [...]

District Attorney: Margaret Robins

Thanks for reading! Part II will follow immediately after, unless I think of a one-off worth showing heheh. Anyway, we finally meet [...]

One Petition

And thats a throwback to THIS moment that we saw on the story arc: The Eighth Floor. And as some of you called, this was another failed attempt of this [...]

Some Time Ago

It's flaaaashback [...]

Cartmill City’s Courthouse

See? The name of the arc is "The D.A.", the Disctrict Attorney! Now, who this person is to [...]

Is Dan Going To Jail?

No. He's not. With that said, this is the same lawsuit that appear in this strip, and Dan is talking about this instance when researching locations for his [...]

Legal Trouble

I wonder if this has to do with the thing Dom was discussing a fwe strips back... I wonder I [...]

Incoming Mails

And from this point on, we'll start the second part of this [...]