
Of Bows And Ties

Remember at the beginnig of the arc that I said that I was getting help writting this arc from my friend Charlie ? Well, this was brought by us. Thanks Charlie [...]

A Trip To The Past

And with this, the third (and final) act of the arc... begins. HERE WE GO [...]

You Had Your Turn

For this month incentive in the TWC you have to know this, in the FriendsYASW Universe  there are more characters that haven't been properly introduced yet, [...]

Brotherly Talk

Edit: I fixed something in the dialoge in the last panel [...]


In other news, I now have a FurAffinity account ! Although my full gallery is on my DeviantArt, i'll be uploading in FA too ! And if you have an account, you [...]

Not-So-Secret Motives




Formal Night


Salty Opinions


Escalated Quickly
