
Announcement: Updated Cast-Page

The new cast page is up! It's a new and better design, go watch it and tell me what you think! Is it cool? Is it rad? Does it has typos? (don't tell me that [...]

City Lights

thanks for [...]

Flat Layout

Throw back to THIS STRIP and IT'S FOLLOW UP if you're a little bit lost on the living-in-an-office thing. With that said, mayyybe i've been a little bit [...]

Funnier This Way


A Wild Gareth Appears

OH LOOK IT'S FINALLY HIM! Introducing for the first time: Gareth Baga. And with him, our (very extense) cast is complete. I'll update the 'Cast' page [...]

Where Everybody At?


Conviniently Placed Car


Not Kid Friendly

AND WE KICK OFF SEASOOOOOOON TWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! New arc! And yes, the character that is arriving in that plane will be the new cast member. I think it's [...]