
You Can’t Work Here

Yes, the café where Jordi works is called Hartford's! And that's Bertrands lastname, coincidence? No. (The Hartford family owns a lot of buildings on [...]

Everything But That

This is a terrible day for [...]

Her Brother

Officially introducing: Bertrand Hartford, Jordan's older brother. Also, new [...]

Epligue: Interns

Do you recognize that coyote!?!?!? Thats Guy! Remeber him??? Anyway, I did start watching this series F1: Drive to survive, it's like a documentary [...]

The End Of The Game Night

Thanks for [...]

Final Talks

Farwell Cecil, I hope we get to see you again, thank you for everything you gave to this comic. Hey, Did you see this marketing campaing involving of [...]

No Room For Texts


Zoe’s Reasons

Is that a good reason? It's good enough for [...]

Of Cats and Relationships

Welp... Actually if yuou pay attention to this strip back in season 4, you can see in panel 3 how Cecil reacts when Zoé says that they are not a couple. [...]