
Back To The Alley

Aaaaalright, the shift is over, everyone can relax [...]

The Strategy is Played

Alright everybody, let's start wrapping this [...]

New Strategies Are Planned

We have a plan team! Also, just a quick reminder that Helena's last name is Bale! Also, at this point, Helena doens't know that tables 7 and 14 are Dom's [...]

New Strategy On It’s Way

Can you guess what the new game plan will [...]

Some Alley Talks

Jordan needed to hear [...]

Letting It All Out

Not what I was expecting [...]

Hell-Lena incoming

We all know what comes next. Tears. [...]

Under Control

Everything is under control. Yup. Btw, in this previous strip of season 4 was already stated how they have a sound proof [...]

That Family

When Dom says "... I like to know who I'm giving my money to" he means rent And if you were wondering, here are couple of times we've heard something [...]

Bathroom Break

Meeeanwhile [...]