
After Match Interview

New arc starts with the next [...]

Gareth, Jordi is Calling For You

Thanks for [...]

The Other Hyena

Introducing Benjamin Saka! Nabi's brother! Also they're in a rooftop [...]

Small Apartment Things

Saw this TikTok of a similar irl "apartment" in Manhattan, it was $2000 per month [...]

Staying Implications

Ok so, to be super clear: as said on his bio in the cast page, Gareth spent some time volunteering, right after he graduated. Initially he was supposed to stay [...]

Overdue Stay

Today's strip is brought you by Google [...]

Breakfast Recaps

Just as a reminder, before joining the group at the start of season 2, Gareth spent some time [...]

Morning After

It's a flashback!!! But, even though this is a memory, Gareth is alright and he did survided the events of the season 6 finale, so you don't have to worry [...]

Too Much Shine


Rise and Shine

And we kick off sason 7! And YES, of course Gareth is alive! I'm not killing him off, so yes, he's alive and breathing. Confirmed by the creator. Anyway, [...]