Just Dom Things

Just a reminder, we already knew a bit about Dom’s divorce Here and Here


Thanks for reading!

  1. I love how Dom knew she wanted to react and gave her permission, and how she immediately went from 0 to 100 the second said permission was given xD

    • He DEFINITELY knew the impact his revelation was going to have… maybe he didn’t expect that much reaction hahahah

  2. I can really relate with Dom, being by myself is great but being alone isn’t.
    Hehe I love Zoe’s reaction.

    • Absolutely right, things that might sound familiar but very different, glad you can relate! And yeah, wouldn’t expect less from such revelation hahahah

  3. It’s amazing how genuinely fond of everyone Dom is, yet he so rarely “opens the door” to them.

    …think I find him one of the more relatable characters, minus the “being in a relationship at one point” part.

    • Totally! He cares about all of them, but he likes to keep some of his personal info to himself hahah, super glad to hear about his relatability! (don’t know if that’s a word, but now it is)

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