
Gareth, Jordi is Calling For You

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The Other Hyena

Introducing Benjamin Saka! Nabi's brother! Also they're in a rooftop [...]

Small Apartment Things

Saw this TikTok of a similar irl "apartment" in Manhattan, it was $2000 per month [...]

Staying Implications

Ok so, to be super clear: as said on his bio in the cast page, Gareth spent some time volunteering, right after he graduated. Initially he was supposed to stay [...]

Overdue Stay

Today's strip is brought you by Google [...]

Breakfast Recaps

Just as a reminder, before joining the group at the start of season 2, Gareth spent some time [...]

Morning After

It's a flashback!!! But, even though this is a memory, Gareth is alright and he did survided the events of the season 6 finale, so you don't have to worry [...]

More Days Of The Life

Just to be clear, in panel 10 he re-reads the mail he recieved on the previous [...]

Those Nights Are Not Over

Quite some time without him having this night episodes... at least this [...]


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