District Attorney: Margaret Robins

Thanks for reading!

Part II will follow immediately after, unless I think of a one-off worth showing heheh. Anyway, we finally meet Margaret!

  1. How do some characters like Helena and Margaret have, for lack of a better word, hair? Do they grow their head fur long and dye it?

    • Now THAT’S a great question! And I do have an answer! So here’s the explanation:
      On the Friends YASW universe,there’s a small minority of mammals have who actual “hair” (again for lack of a better word) like Helena or Maragaret. This hair is thinner than their fur. What most mammals have is their regular fur (and think of this like a really short layer of fur that covers their whole body, shorter than let’s say the arm vellus in a human), and this fur generally, but not always, grows longer in the top of their heads and sometimes in the beard region.

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